A Healthier Happier Me


Vaginal Discharge Demystified: Knowing When it’s Business as Usual and When to Take Action

Vaginal Discharge Demystified: Knowing When it’s Business as Usual and When to Take Action The basics: Under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, vaginal discharge is made by the cells lining the vagina and cervix. Women who are menopausal normally have minimal vaginal discharge because of lower levels of estrogen. In women who are […]

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The 80/20 Rule: Nourish Your Body Without Torturing Your Tastebuds

Hey there! Let’s delve into the 80/20 rule—an approach that could revolutionize your eating habits if you’re seeking a balanced dietary plan. But hold up, before you brush it off as just another health trend, let’s unpack what this rule is really about. It’s not about rigid diets; it’s about embracing life’s flavors while giving your

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Nurturing Healthy Habits: A Guide to Train Your Child’s Taste Buds

1. Start Early, Start StrongIntroduce a variety of flavors early on. Babies are naturally curious, so offer a spectrum of tastes to cultivate their palate. From sweet potatoes to avocados, diversity is key! 2. Lead by ExampleYour child learns by observing, so let them see you enjoying nutritious meals. Share family meals together; this not

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Shifting Your Mindset: The Game-Changer in Life

Ever felt stuck, facing a challenge that seems impossible to conquer? That’s where our mindset comes into play—cue the two contrasting mindsets: the “Fixed Mindset” and the “Growth Mindset.” Picture this: a life-transforming face-off between limitations and endless possibilities. Fixed Mindset: The Locked DoorThe fixed mindset is like a locked door—it tells you, “You’re just

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